
Pricing & Packages

Hi! Please note that all graduation sessions will require a $50 nonrefundable deposit to reserve your session date.


- 30 minute session
- 1 location & 1 outfit
- Access to all edited photos


Package 1

- 1 hour session
- 1 location & 1 outfit
- Access to all edited photos


Package 2

- 2 hour session
- Unlimited locations & outfits
- Access to all edited photos


Package 3

- 2+ hour session
- Unlimited locations & outfits
- Access to all edited photos


Looking for something else?

If you are interested in portraits, product photography, weddings, or anything else check out my contact page to get a quote!

Capturing special Milestones and every moment in between


Can I bring my friends to my session?

The more, the merrier! What better way to capture your college experience than pics with your friend group? There is no cap on how many friends you bring, but there is an extra $25 fee for groups of 5 or more.

Can I bring my pets?

Absolutely!! I love all animals, so they are always welcome. Just make sure to message me beforehand to let me know.

Can I extend the session on the day of?

Yep yep! All sessions can be extended the day of for a surcharge of $35 per 30 minutes! This will be added to your total and due at the end of the session.

Ready to Begin?

Hey! Before you go, don't forget to follow my socials ☻